Why subscribe?

It’s really easy to fall into the extremes, so on this site I share my thoughts as I try to find balance between empathy and critical thinking! I’m here to motivate, inspire, and bring a middle ground.

Stay up-to-date

Every post I make will get to you directly so you don’t have to worry about staying up-to-date!! I want you to relax, reflect, and think, not to stress out!

Become a Lovely Soul Drop

I call you Lovely Soul Drops because you are 1. Adorable (obviously) but 2. You are a drop in the ocean of great people, and even though you might feel too small or insignificant, drops weight, they can erode a rock, and they create ripples. In other words, you are making a difference!

Subscribe to Kind Connections

Empathy + Critical thinking = learn, grow, change.


Writer | Artist | Right leaning | Mental Health (BPD) and Fibro Advocate | Critical thinking + Empathy | Trying to find balance